Newsletter- 3.25.24

Table of Contents:

Ski Day-Recap 3.23.24

What a season! Only two more sessions, in our first spectacularly awesome season as Silver Hares!! This coming Wednesday the 27th is our next ski and our final ski for the season is Saturday the 30th. The largest Silver Hares gathering this season was close to 90 skiers and it would be awesome to have such a turn out on the 30th.

Ok a little on our ski yesterday, there were at least 50 Silver Hares, including 14 volunteer leaders. Our group of 13 ” gondola up classic” skiers had great snow, not too crispy and with a few centimeters fresh snow on top the tracks were about as good as they could be. Skaters also looked to be moving well, no crunchy/ icy sounds from the skis. There were well over 30 Silver Hares joining our Après Ski for good food/drink and socializing.

Wrap up Social and Volunteer Leader Appreciation night March 27th

Our dinner / leader appreciation social is on March 27th.  At least 70 Silver Hares have reserved. In order for us to have smooth service and our dish of choice, we need to give the restaurant some idea of potential food selections. 

A menu of the most popular choices is included in the below google form as well as the entire menu. Please fill out form so we can help the Black Pine perpare. You won’t be held to your choice if you change your mind, we just want to try and give them a good idea what to expect.

Black Pine Menu:

Google Form:

If you haven’t reserved yet, there’s still time to join us. Reserve you space at Black Pine Restaurant | TouchBistro Dine Restaurant Reservations ( If you have trouble reserving online call the restaurant and ask for Kat, she can take your reservation or just leave a note for her with whomever is there. 

Last Ski Session- March 30th

Some of us will be in old gear/ clothes and everyone is invited to participate, even a silly hat would add to the spirit.


The next day Sunday being Easter and all, we might see some Bunny (Hare) ears in the group I suspect 

Sovereign to SilverStar- S2S

The Sovereign2SilverStar Ski marathon is just under 2 weeks away and we are looking for one more volunteer on Sunday, April 7th morning. 


The position would be to meet and greet people getting off the bus first thing then moving up to the M3 marshal position (that’s where Aberdeen splits to go up the mountain or along the connector.  There will be V-boards that need to be put in place along the way.


If anyone is able and willing to help out with this, please let me know.

Next Ski: Wednesday March 27th

Our last two sessions are Wednesday the 27th and Saturday March 30. We meet as usual 10am next to Red Antler.

There may be fewer leaders so some groups may be self led.

I will again be there to help organize and ski with you. See you soon!

Contact Silver Hares:

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