Newsletter- 2.16.24

Table of Contents:

Next Ski- 2.17.24

Weather forecast is for -7 to -5 winds at 3kmph & sunny skies.  The snow has been colder than air temps so keep that in mind if waxing your skis and colder snow tends to be a bit slower. We are expecting another spectacular day on the trails.
Our leader board at this time for tomorrow is as follows:


As always we will have Waivers with us if needed. Please take care of this between 9:15 and 9:45 on the deck at Bugaboos. There are still a number of people that need to take care of this. We will be giving the leaders a list of skiers that still need to fill out the waivers so they can do a roll call , you need to have a completed the waiver to ski with us.



All the Toques / headbands are in and if you have not yet been contacted by Cyndy regards payment / pick up you will be soon.  We will have them with us at the session and if you have paid they can be picked up at the Black Pine Après ski.


Some of you who were not around for the original order have asked about getting Toques/ Headbands. I have sent a note to Shayla at Sauce asking about additional Toques though I know the likely answer let’s see what she says.

Wednesday Ski Days

Our first Wednesday session was a success, though I did not do a head count others reported between 30-40 Silver Hares. 
Conditions were fabulous and as usual we had a very nice Après ski at the Black Pine. Here is a very cool wonderful little video Silver Hare Laure McNab created, enjoy Relive ‘Silver Hares’

Chocolate Making

Tonight’s Chocolate making class has had a spot open up  and next weeks has a couple spots. We are limiting the classes to 10 chocolatiers each, if interested contact me EmojiEmoji

Connect on FaceBook

A reminder, we have a Facebook page, ” Silver Hares Nordic ” this is another way to connect with each other. 

Parking at SS is Challenging

If any of you who live on the Mtn. and have a parking spot available please let me know, this would be very helpful to some people especially those traveling a ways to ski with us. There are, believe it or not, Hares that drive an hour or two to ski with us.

Contact Silver Hares:

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