Newsletter- 2.18.24

Table of Contents:

Ski Day- Recap 2.17.24

A beautiful day in the neighborhood from all accounts, I missed you all due to a nasty head cold but was with you in spirit. 
There were at least 65 Silver Hares in attendance as told to me by Trevor who took this group picture at session start. 

The trails amazing and  well manicured top to bottom.

The Après ski at the Black Pine popular as ever with well over 30 Silver Hares enjoying each others company and some excellent food. 


Lots of people received and immediately donned their new Silver Hares Touques  and Headbands which from the pictures sent to me looked waaaay cool.  There are still a number that need to be put in your hands or on your heads Emojiand that should be completed soon. 

Phil, Cindy, Lance and John, a few of yesterday’s leaders sporting our new look Emoji

Thank you Cyndy, and Mr Taz, for spending many hours organizing the distribution, it was a quiet a puzzle figuring things out due to the split order.

Parking at SS is Challenging

Parking was a bigger issue than normal with the holiday but even without the holiday it is tough. Some of you have suggested that we start 30 minutes earlier but locals know that won’t make much difference to get a Saturday parking spot in the most used parking lots: B ,C1 and C2.  And starting earlier would be more difficult on those Silver Hares driving a long way to join us.

A few possible ways we might mitigate the parking issue:
1 -Those living here on the Mtn. perhaps might consider allowing a Silver Hare to park at your place if space available on Saturday mornings for a few hours. Example: Cyn and I have 1 -2 spots available most Saturdays, these we offer to the leaders first. If any of the Mtn dwelling Hares are willing to offer a parking spot to another Hare a few hours,  please let me know.
2 – Or carpool! It is my hope that after 2.5 months skiing together and socializing you have connected with a few people and have gotten to know each other a bit, well enough to ask each other about the possibility of carpooling.
3 – Remember parking lot D by the pond is often overlooked as well as parking lot A . Yesterday even with the holiday lot A had parking available after 9am! Mountain Maps (

Chocolate Making

The chocolate making class  at Bugaboos with John Pavelich was a success, very well received and attended. Thank you John and our Bugaboos host Frank Berkers. We have another class scheduled this coming Friday , there are a couple open spots available, let me know if you are interested in joining.

Connect on FaceBook

A reminder, we have a Facebook page, ” Silver Hares Nordic ” this is another way to connect with each other. 


Next Ski: Wednesday Feb. 21st

Our next session is this coming Wednesday the 21st , we meet as usual 10am next to Red Antler. There will be fewer leaders like last Wednesday  so some groups will be self led. I will again be there to help organize and ski with you assuming the head cold is history.

Seen on the trail Emoji     This from Silver Hare Christopher Hallam a real  Artic Silver Hare, top speed almost 50k per hour & predator Emoji

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